Computational Literacies Lab

4. Activity systems: Designing for/in context

Week 4 (February 20)

Decontextualized designs are a major reason computer-based interventions have failed to substantially shift classroom practice. We use activity theory to scope our designs and to frame the context for which we are designing.


  • 4:15-5:15: Announcements; discuss activity systems and related theoretical frameworks for learning in context.
  • 5:20-6:10: Retool sprint; one-on-one group meetings
  • 6:15-6:50: Share Retool findings and questions.


Gifford, B. R. & Enyedy, N. D. (1999). Activity centered design: towards a theoretical framework for CSCL. Proceedings of the 1999 Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning - CSCL '99 (pp. 22–es). Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.3115/1150240.1150262