Design iteration
{{< info >}} Considering the difficulties introduced by the pandemic, this assignment has an optional modification: Instead of conducting additional user research, you may submit evidence of your own design iteration, as discussed in class. {{</ info >}}
This assignemnt has three components:
- Design questions: What 2-5 questions are most crucial to the success of your project?
- Design research: Engage with someone else--close to your target group if possible--in a procedure which may help you answer your questions. Possible formats include think-alouds, wizard-of-oz prototyping, artifact-based interview.
- Design iteration: Reflect on how your research informed your questions and iterate your design based on what you learned. This may take the form of writing, sketches, updates to your conceptual prototype.
What you submit should be sufficiently organized that it can make sense to someone besides yourself, but there is no pressure to make it presentable. Think of what you submit as what you might show collaborators in the course of your work.