1. Networks and system design
Week 1 (January 27)Riddle lab: HTTP requests and responses; clients and servers. How computers talk with each other.
- Welcome to LAI 677
- Structure of course
- Independent study
- Roles
- Stacy course lead
- Chris background support
- Enrolled students, auditors; new and returning
- Media
- The medium is the message
- Using code as a tool for exploring ideas
- mwc, terminal
- Setup
- Big ideas: networking, information, AI
- Assigmnents
- Labs
- Projects
- Quick sheets
- Structure of course
Generally, there are no readings in this course. However, it will be helpful to be familiar with New York's CS&DF standards.
NYSED. (2020). Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards: Standards at a Glance 9-12.