2. Search and strategy
Week 2 (February 5)Tic tac toe lab
- Welcome, Andrew and Danielle! I'm delighed that we have in-service and pre-service teachers together. I hope everyone benefits from connecting across career stages.
- We're pushing back deadlines by a week: please finish the tic tac toe lab by next Friday, 2/16. This week we're working on the tic tac toe lab and starting to think about the game you would like to make.
- Settle into regular work times. It would be great to use the When2Meet to schedule regular co-working times, in-person if convenient, or remote.
- I will continue to be available on Discord; Finn will be offering specific office hours times. I'm also very happy to schedule one-on-one or small group office hours meetings at your convenience.
- More complex OO
- More modules, directories
- Tracing program execution
- OO pattern: model/view
- State
Tasks covered:
- checkpoint 1: Program execution
- checkpoint 2: Check winner
- checkpoint 3: Strategy
- This kind of documentation is a new reading skill.
- Program tracing is a challenge.
- Grappling with AI