Computational Literacies Lab

3a. Curricula: Exploring Computer Science

Week 5 (July 8)

Due: Media Quicksheet: Unfold Studio

Assigned: Media Quicksheet: Processing

This class we will focus on Exploring Computer Science, an introductory high school course supported by a curriculum and professional development program. Our focus will be on (1) whether ECS, or something like it, might be useful in your future; and (2) what we can learn from the ECS curriculum and PD model for our own classrooms.

Video notes

  • Pedagogy:
    • Focus:
      • CS Concepts
      • Inquiry
      • Equity
    • Think about concrete instructional strategies (p. 7). To what extent do you already use these in your own classroom? Which might be useful?
    • CS PD id disorganized. You will likely have to plan your own future PD.
    • How does ECS pedagogy compare with AP CSP and AP CS A?
  • Curriculum
    • Note: "aligned with both the K-12 Computer Science Framework and the CSTA Computer Science Standards."
    • Unifying themes:
      • The creative nature of computing
      • Technology as a tool for solving problems
      • The relevance of computer science and its impact on society
    • What is the relationship between inquiry learning and constructionism?
    • Funds of knowledge as core to CS equity.
  • Implementation
    • Note algebra prerequisite. Math tends to be a gatekeeper to CS.


Goode, J. & Chapman, G. (2018). Exploring Computer Science. Version 9. (Read pp. 5-27.)

Exploring Computer Science Teacher Program.