Computational Literacies Lab

2a. Standards: NY CS&DF

Week 3 (July 1)

Due: Media Quicksheet: Scratch

Assigned: Media Quicksheet: Unfold Studio

Video notes

  • Logistics
    • Meeting times will be Mondays and Fridays, 3:30pm-4:30pm.
    • I'll post videos twice a week, on Sundays and Thursday. Please try to watch the video ahaed of the meetings.
    • Posted pages to read for K12 CS Framework.
    • Next video I will discuss the K12 CS standards and Unfold Studio
  • Standards
    • History: CSTA & ISTE standards
    • Theoretical questions about the nature of comptutational thinking and computational literacy are visible.
      • Relationship between CT and programming
      • Can CT work as a bridge to other contexts?
    • This is a US-centric discussion; quite a bit of international work happening as well.
    • NY CS & DF Standards
  • Disucssion: What role should standards have in our practice?


NYSED. (2020). Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards. (pp.20-38)