Computational Literacies Lab

11: Connecting across literacies

Week 11 (November 13)

The interdisciplinary potential of CS is a major motivation for framing K-12 CS education in terms of literacies. Building on Week 7's analysis of mediated identities and Week 11's exploration of how we can support critical action, Week 12 considers a transliteracies perspective, asking what happens when practices move across literacies.


Mejias, S., Thompson, N., Sedas, R. M., Rosin, M., Soep, E., Peppler, K., Roche, J., Wong, J., Hurley, M., Bell, P., & Bevan, B. (n.d.). The trouble with STEAM and why we use it anyway.

Wilkerson, M. H., D’Angelo, C. M., & Litts, B. K. (2020). Stories from the field: Locating and cultivating computational thinking in spaces of learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(3), 264–271.