Computational Literacies Lab

1. Schooling in the age of computers

Week 1 (August 28)

Course overview and structure. We start with an ethnographic video on how youth engage with computing: not what we think they should be doing or learning, but what they are doing.

Course overview and structure

This video introduces the structure of the course.


  • Who's here
  • Structure: seminar in reading groups
    • Weekly video
    • Reading strategies
    • Facilitation norms
    • Facilitation, weekly summary
  • Readings, assignment submission in UBLearns
  • Overall arc of the course
  • Special edition: Impossible project
    • Assignments overview
  • Do now
    • Week 1 readings (PDFs on UBLearns)
    • Please fill out the When2Meet indicating your availability for weekly discussion groups.
    • If you have specific requests for discussion groups (e.g. you'd like to be part of a group that meets in person, you prefer to be in a group (or not in the same group) with someone, or anything else I can do to make this a great course for you, please send me an email. I'd be happy to set up a time to chat.

Week 1

The video below (which I recorded in 2023) introduces the readings for Week 1, and explains the big ideas in the course: literacy, identity, schooling.


Boyd, D. (2014). Introduction. In It’s complicated: The social lives of networked teens. (pp. 1- 28). Yale University Press.

Horst, H., Herr-Stephenson, B., & Robinson, L. (2010). Media Ecologies. In M. Itō (Ed.), Hanging out, messing around, and geeking out: Kids living and learning with new media (pp. 29–77). MIT Press.