Computational Literacies Lab

Critical Computational Literacies

LAI 605: Critical Computational Literacies
Last offered Fall 2024
Remote, asynchronous with weekly meetings
Dr. Chris Proctor

Drawing together the themes of literacy, identity, and schooling, Critical Computational Literacies assembles the theoretical framework of computational literacies as a lens for thinking about K12 Computer Science (CS) research and practice. Just as schools participate in broader social systems which shape our lives and which may or may not contribute to a more just and peaceful society, CS is only one part of the work of a school. Our work as CS educators may be constrained by other priorities and stakeholders, and our work can also reshape the work of the school beyond the classroom. We take as our starting point the premise that CS education is currently figured in a way which gives it unusual leverage to reshape K12 educational practice. This course is designed for preservice and in-service teachers, as well as doctoral students.

Comptuational literacies as a framework for AI education

In fall 2024, Critical Computational Literacies will be structured as an extended case study in collaboration with high school and undergraduate students. The course will cover the usual syllabus, but will apply the theoretical ideas in the context of a school community wrestling with how AI is changing learning, and how the school should respond. Over the semester, students will meet with school leaders, interview members of the school community, and contribute to a white paper analyzing how AI is changing multiple facets of the school community such as student social life, teacher stress, and parental expectations.

Our inquiry will be conducted in partnership with ENG 353: Technical Writing, taught by Dr. Jay Barber. This collaboration is part of the Impossible Project, and is funded by a grant from the Mozilla Foundation for interdisciplinary approaches to social justice in computing.

Impossible Project logo Mozilla logo
