Our Gutenberg Moment
Chris was featured in a NCTE Council Chronicle article exploring how the English/Language Arts classroom could engage with computational media.
The Computational Literacies Lab studies how students, teachers, and school communities learn with and about computers.
Get involved. Attend our weekly open lab meetings, join the email list, or take a course in the lab. Interested faculty, students, and the broader university community are warmly invited to contact Dr. Proctor.
Chris was featured in a NCTE Council Chronicle article exploring how the English/Language Arts classroom could engage with computational media.
Chris introduces two courses offered in fall 2024: A special offering of LAI 605 Critical Computational Literacies, and LAI 676 The Pedagogy of Proramming. Please join!
Please join us from 3-4pm for an online talk hosted by UB's Digital Scholarship Studio Network, titled qc: A qualitative coding tool designed to support computational thinking,
Please join us from 4:30-6:00pm in the lobby of Baldy Hall for a presentation of course final projects in LAI 686: Large Language Models in Education. Explore live demos of educational AI applications, and discuss the results and theoretical implications of each group's research. Refreshments will be served.
Chris Proctor and Antero Garcia gave a NCTE Webinar on interactive storytelling and the role of literacy education in the digital world.
Glitch is a broken system. A workshop on Glitch Art with Joan Nobile of UB's Department of Media Study.
A workshop on 3D game design, interactivity, and fairy tales with Famous Clark of UB's Department of Media Study.
We are happy to introduce the first event put on by a new group at UB, the Computational Media Literacies Collaboratory!
Chris was honored to have another article featured on Jared O'Leary's CS K-8 Podcast.
Dr. Chris Proctor was awarded nearly $300,000 to form a research-practice partnership with Lockport City School District.
The first paper from the Minecraft Utopia project, by Dr. Chris Proctor and Dr. Dalia Antonia Caraballo Muller, received a Best Paper nomination at the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference.
On the CS K-8 Podcast Jared O'Leary covered our new article in Educational Researcher, "A Revaluation of Computational Thinking in K-12 Education: Moving Toward Computational Literacies."
Please join me for the first offering of a new course, LAI 686 Critical Computational Literacies.
Enrollment is now open for a new Spring 2021 course, LAI 686 Critical Computational Literacies Design Studio.
Dr. Chris Proctor joined the University at Buffalo's Department of Learning and Instruction in fall 2020 as an assistant professor of Learning Sciences. Read more about Chris's research at chrisproctor.net.